To use an app to organize and document your garden might be new and feel a bit strange to many, and you might wonder how it works. Here are our most frequently asked questions and the answers to them. If your question isn’t answered here – don’t hesitate to contact us!

Using the app.
Can I add several pictures of the same plant?
If you have Gardenize Plus you can add as many pictures as you want, though a maximum of 5 pictures at a time. With Gardenize Free account, you can add 1 picture per plant.
How do I delete an image?
To delete an image you navigate to the plant, area or event where the image is, then click on edit in the upper right corner. Click on the image and swipe to the image you want to delete if you have several. Then click on the waste bin symbol with the text “delete”. Next you say yes to the question appearing – “Do you want to delete this image?”. Be aware that images can not be recreated when deleted.
I have added several images, but I would like to have my favorite in front - can I?
Sure! If you enter the editing screen for the plant, you can see a small heart in the corner of the image. Swipe to the image you want to favor and click on this heart to choose this image as your favorite, it will then be placed as the front image.
I can't add images or use the camera, what am I doing wrong?
To be able to add images to the Gardenize app you have to give Gardenize the right to use the camera or library. If you answered No to that question when installing the app, you can change it in the settings of the phone.
Is there a plant database?
Not yet, sorry. Only for languages Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.
We have a shared garden, how do we share our Gardenize account?
You can share an account by sharing login details, and the easiest way to do that is by choosing an e-mail and password when logging in. Then you can choose between different devices and everyone has the same possibilities to add, delete or edit.
I want to make a list for plants i don't have, like a Wishlist, can I?
We usually recommend you to make an area and name it “Wishlist” for example. There you can put all the plants you still haven’t gotten yet, so you’ll find them easily when needed.
How do I set recurring reminders?
You can add a reminder for an event at a certain date and time. When creating an event you can find a checkbox under the notes. Next to this checkbox, it says Reminders. Click this box to set the time and date as you wish. To make the reminder recurring, simply check the box that says “make recurring”. Choose your reminder frequency from the list. Daily is available for everyone, but to set weekly, monthly or yearly reminders, Gardenize Plus is required.
My account.
How do I change my e-mail?
If you want to change your e-mail address you send us an e-mail from the account you use today to customerservice, with the new e-mail address you want to change to and we’ll help you change it.
I deleted a plant, can I have it back?
No, sorry. What you add to your account is yours, so if you delete a plant, then it’s gone. Before deleting you will get a control question, so the situation is not common.
I can't get access to my subscription, what do I do?
There may be different causes to why you no longer can get access to your subscription functionality. Your subscription may have ended or maybe your credit card number has expired.
You can check the status of your subscription in the app, in the menu Upgrade, or in the web app via the main menu – if you started your subscription there.
What happens to my information if my phone breaks or I get a new one?
We save everything you add to your Gardenize account, so if you switch your phone you can just install the app again, log in to your old account and find all of your information there.
How do I delete my data from your database?
If you want to delete your data or images you’ve added to your app you can easily delete it in your app. When something in your app is deleted, there are no existing copies of your content.
If you want to delete the whole account – then please contact us at customerservice and we’ll help you with that.
I have ideas for improvements and functions, what do I do?
Our goal is to keep improving Gardenize every day, and we’re glad to hear from you if you can help us do just that! Send an e-mail to: jenny, and we’ll bring it with us in our future development.
I can not see my plants and images, what happened?
Log out of the account you are logged in to, go back to the login and make sure you have the correct account information when you try to log in again. Have you tried logging in with the correct information, but still having trouble seeing your content? Contact us at customerservice and we will help you further!
How do I cancel my subscription?
A subscription you bought through our website can be cancelled via your account page: See the main menu on when logged in.
If you bought the subscription via your app you have to cancel it via AppStore (for iOs) or Google (for Android). All subscriptions include the same functions – regardless of platform. A one-year subscription is not tied to a specific platform, which means that you can use the subscription you bought via iTunes also on an Android unit. Just make sure you log in with the correct account.
How do i unsubscribe & cancel any future payments?
It is not Gardenize handling the payment but the payment platform you purchased your subscription on (e.g. AppStore, Google Play or Credit card on our web app). All subscriptions need to be canceled where the original purchase was made.
Please note that uninstalling the app or deleting your account will NOT automatically stop your subscription. You have to actively cancel the subscription.
In order to do so, you need to cancel the recurring payments. Bear in mind, the subscription you’ve purchased remains active until it reaches its expiry date even when you cancel it right after the purchase.
For example, if you purchase a 1-month subscription and then choose to cancel it, the subscription will remain active until the end of the 1 month period. But then – after the cancellation – it will not renew.
Depending on the payment method you’ve used, there are different ways of cancelling your subscription:
1) AppStore: Your subscription can only be cancelled on your AppStore account by following these instructions: Apple Instructions (English), German, Danish, Norwegian, Italian, French, Spanish, Swedish
NOTE: We can’t cancel your AppStore subscription for Gardenize as Apple does not give us access to your payment data. If you don’t have the access to your Apple account, you’ll have to contact Apple Support.
Please make sure to log into the correct Apple account. If you can’t see the cancel button in App Store that either means you don’t have an active auto-renewing subscription (it might already have been cancelled), or you’re not logged into the correct Apple account.
2) GooglePlay: Log into your GooglePlay account and follow the instructions from this link: GooglePlay Instructions
NOTE: Please make sure to log into the correct Google account. If you can’t see the cancel button in Google that either means you don’t have an active auto-renewing subscription (it might already have been cancelled), or you’re not logged into the correct Google account.
3) Credit card on Gardenize web app: Please log into you account on and cancel it from there.
How do I update my credit card number?
For subscriptions bought via our website you can update your credit card number on your account setting page: See the main menu on when logged in.
If you bought your subscription via your app, then your credit card number needs to be updated in your AppStore for iOs or Google Play for your Android device.
Can I update my account for a period of time and then go back to the free version?
Yes, of course! All information and all images you save are always available on your Gardenize account.
I didn't find an answer and would like to contact you!
You are more than welcome, contact us here and we’ll help you:
Information about the different prices and subscriptions you can choose for your Gardenize garden app can be found here. The app is free to use with its basic features, and no matter what type of subscription you choose, the information you add will still be available in your app. You can choose to return to the free version at any time and use the basic features. Good luck with your garden!