Gardenizer of the Month is Klara Rydebrink
The Gardenizer of the month is Klara Rydebrink, who is a 24-year-old mechanical engineering student. Klara lives in Lindköping, Sweden and her biggest hobby is to take care of her indoor garden and plants in her apartment. Her current favorite flower is Begonia – comte de lesseps. We interviewed Klara and asked her about her gardening hobby and how it all started.
Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Klara Rydebrink, I am 24 years old and in 2020 I went plant crazy. I am currently doing my fifth and final year at Linköpings University where I am studying to become a Mechanical Engineer. I am born and raised in the finest city of Gothenburg, so I miss the west coast sea very much.
Where do you live, do you have a family, what do you do for living?
I live in Linköping while studying and working as a manager at one of our student union houses, Ryds Herrgård. My biggest hobby when I’m not working, or studying is to sing or take care of my garden. Last year I was in a band where I sang and this year my new hobby is my garden.
How did your interest in gardening begin?
When I moved, I killed all my plants and was about to buy plastic plants just to have something green in my home. But during the summer of 2020, I bought two Coleus and fell in love. My mother helped me during the summer and when I moved back home I felt responsible to keep them alive. Suddenly, I owned 15 different plants, a shelf dedicated for them and lights to get them through the winter.
Tell us about your indoor plants?
Right now, my shelf with my plants is overflowing. I constantly must give plants away, which is both heart-breaking and wonderful at the same time.
What is your favourite plant?
My current favourite flower is Begonia – comte de lesseps. ‘Comte de Lesseps’ is an upright, evergreen perennial, to 1.5m tall, with mid-green leaves spotted white and clusters of pink flowers produced sporadically throughout the year
What are your favourite garden tools?
I mostly use my hands, which has turned out to be a great tool, and probably my favourite.
What is your favourite part of gardening?
My favourite part is to look at the plants every other day to see the change. I spray them with water and it makes me feel like a real pro. I went from the person that killed all the plats, to the person that people ask for advice, and that is an amazing feeling.
What is your favourite time of year to be in the garden?
Since I have only been plant and garden crazy since the summer of 2020, I would have to say summer. But something tells me that I will love the spring of 2021.
Do you have any advice for our fellow Gardenizers?
Keep on using the Gardenize app, and do not listen to your partner when they say, “you have enough plants”.
In what way do you benefit from the Gardenize app?
I use the app to keep track of when I went from water rooting to planting. It is an amazing opportunity to see the changes that your plant makes. And of course, keep track of all their names.
If someone wants to follow you, what’s your name in Gardenize App?
Klara Rydebrink
Follow Klara in Gardenize App
Klara’s gardening passion started when she moved away to study at the University and she used to kill all her plants. She was about to buy plastic plants just to have something green in her apartment. But during summer of 2020, she bought two Coleus and fell in love. Her mother helped her during the summer and when she moved back home she felt responsible to keep them alive. Suddenly, Klara owned 15 different plants, a shelf dedicated for them and lights to get them through the winter.
You can follow Klara in Gardenize App under the name Klara Rydebrink.
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